Thank you to our friends, partners and neighbors who have supported the Ranney Ranch over the past 52 years. We are grateful to pass our beautiful ranch on to a wonderful family who care deeply about the land and are committed to carrying on the rangeland practices that have worked so well here in our high mesa country. Happy Trails!

This is the time of year when typically you might expect to hear an announcement of our upcoming season and a report on the health of our Audubon/AWA/AGA certified grassfed/grassfinished herd. Today I am bringing you the sad news that the 2019 season was…

2019 Season Closed

Ranney Ranch Erosion Control Workshop

Workshop participants will build erosion control structures through hands-on instruction and learn how to read the landscape to better understand surface water flow and the erosion process from NRCS and Quivira Coalition staff members.

Audubon Certified

Ranney Ranch and Audubon partner to protect birds by restoring grasslands.

The Audubon mark certifies the beef was grazed on Audubon certified bird-friendly land.

On Cows and Carbon

How possibly can our management of semi-arid ranch land have the potential for ameliorating large scale climate impacts? Very recently, streams of evidence are beginning to trickle from the scientific community supporting the idea that healthy soil may be the simplest, most cost effective method for sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.

Ranney Ranch Pot Roast           

With gratitude to Deborah Madison not only for offering her recipe but for working in steadfast support of humane and environmentally responsible livestock production in the Southwest over the past decade and more.